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things you don’t have to do
你不必做的事  detail>>
you have to do things in english
你要随时随地学英语  detail>>
have a mort of things to do
有许多要做的事  detail>>
plain things you don’t understand
为你解惑  detail>>
you don’t have balls
你没种  detail>>
you don’t have the right
你还不够格  detail>>
have a good many things to do
有好多事要做  detail>>
i love the things that you do
我爱那些你所做的事 我爱你做的每件事  detail>>
you don`t have to think twice
你不必再去考虑第二次  detail>>
do what you have to do
做你必须做的 做你要做的  detail>>
all you have to do
你只要 需要做得是  detail>>
and do you have friends there
你在那儿有朋友吗  detail>>
but all you have to do
但你所需要做的  detail>>
do you have
你有  detail>>
do you have a bike
你有一辆自行车吗  detail>>
do you have a bite
有鱼咬钩吗  detail>>
do you have a computer
你有计算机吗  detail>>
do you have a reservation
您订位了吗  detail>>